Simplified mode
Simplified mode is automatically enabled to save resources on low-end computers, such as those that have less than 2 GB of RAM or 1 CPU core. This mode disables functionality that is not very critical for the user (such as background animation). Thanks to this, Yandex Browser works faster.
You cannot force disable simplified mode.
What happens in simplified mode
In simplified mode, Yandex Browser:
- Reduces the frame rate of videos and games on the page.
- Forces video card usage for video playback, conserving the resources of low-end processors that would otherwise be spent on HD video decoding.
- Disables the animations of Yandex Browser interface elements if they are too CPU-intensive. For example, animations in tooltips.
- Disables the background animation.
- Disables “transparency” of interface elements (for example, the top bar no longer uses the main color of the open site).
- Reduces the activity of the background tabs (for example, the frequency of auto-refresh).
- Restores only the active tab when you restart Yandex Browser.
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