Protect: security icons

To protect your activities on the internet, Yandex Browser uses the Protect integrated security system. Use icons in the SmartBox to access the Protect information and settings quickly.

Protect icons

Security icons are displayed in the SmartBox to the right and left of the page address. Click the icon to open the Protect panel. On the panel, you can see security details or change security settings.

You can see the following icons:


Protect function

Connection status

Protected mode

Card security

Warn about mobile subscriptions or SMS fraud

Dangerous page

Site permissions

Connection status


Protect function

An unprotected HTTP Protocol is used. We do not recommend entering any personal information (especially your payment data) on such sites, as hackers can easily steal it.

Uses the HTTPS protocol, which protects data being sent by encrypting it. Additionally, the site has a current SSL certificate of extended validation (EV). If there is no such icon in the Smartbox, then we don't recommend entering any confidential information on this site (for example, your bank card number).

HTTPS protocol is used, but the site certificate is less secure than EV.

HTTPS protocol is in use and the site has a current EV certificate, but there are unsafe elements loaded on the page.

This icon may appear if:

  • the form on the page sends data over the HTTP protocol without encryption;
  • the publisher of a locally installed certificate is not known to Yandex;
  • images load over an unsecure protocol, even though the page load over HTTPS.

Data transfer may not be secure.

The page might be dangerous for your data. The website’s certificate might have expired or been revoked.

Yandex Browser has no information about the security of this site's connection.

This is an internal browser page. Your data is protected.

Detailed information about the connection status

To check whether the connection is secure:

  1. Open a page on the site.

  2. In the SmartBox, click the connection status icon.

  3. The Protect panel opens. In the connection status section, click Learn more.

Security settings

Most settings on the Protect panel apply to the page that is opened. The General Security Settings section features those that apply to all websites. To edit them:

  1. In the SmartBox, click the connection status icon.

  2. On the Protect panel, in the Security settings section, enable the following options:

    • Display a warning when bank card information is entered on unsafe sites to activate credit card protection.
    • Block ads with offensive, shocking, or unpleasant images to get rid of unsolicited ads.


You can change the processing rules for elements on the site you're currently visiting by clicking Learn more on the Protect panel. For example, if you want to deny this website access to your microphone. If you need to change processing rules for all sites at once, go to Settings.

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